Creator & Role Information

Sarah S.

Sarah S.

My name is Sarah. I am now in my 30s. I started a webcomic back in my senior year of high school, worked at it for a couple years, took a 5-10 year break, and decided to try to get back into the webcomic world again. I still love my story so now I want to continue to expand upon it. I'm a geek, as we all are. I'm socially reclusive. I collect Ball-Jointed Dolls. I play games, but I'm not a hardcore gamer (can't aim). Love Zelda, Aliens, Jurassic Park franchises, also dinosaurs and sharks and cats. I LOVE mail and participate in the Postcrossing postcard project. Heavily addicted to Sims. My career is Massage Therapist and I couldn't be happier to be helping people in my day to day life and getting paid for it. *profile photo by Kata at AltarGirl, art not done by me*

2019-05-10 07:05:49 From:

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