Set in 1995, Yokohama, the comic follows Kazuhiro Tsuchiya who now leads his deceased brother's legendary gang, the Four Corners. Kazuhiro is approached by Hideki Yuhara, a schoolmate who claims to have vital information that Kazuhiro should be wary of. The two unlikely delinquents pair up to figure out the reason as to why gangs in the city are being brutally disbanded...though the unraveling of the mystery is darker than it appears. How far will Kazuhiro and Hideki go to rest their case?
Chyoo Lee Ning, jerk Eun Jeh, pretty handsome boy Yun Jun woo, if it’s like or just bullying the one year younger guy who confuses people... Hyun bin. Heh young, who believes that the strongest person can achieve love… This is a love story about different teens. (Source: HMR Scans)
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