The manga's story follows Kimura Shigenari, a real-life samurai who served Toyotomi Hideyori. Kimura fights in the Siege of Osaka in 1615, but is hit with a mysterious light. He wakes up in a land ruled by England's legendary King Arthur. (Source: ANN)
The human race has been infected by a strain of bacteria that was originally isolated in South America but has spread all over the world. The symptoms start with fever and vomit and eventually ends with the person in a coma. However, those who awake from that coma are those with incredible intelligence and they're soon able to see that they are in fact being ruled by higher beings that they thought only existed in fairy tales like demons and witches. Arthur Pyuty was a witch who ruled a kingdom under the guise of a human until the side effects of the bacteria revealed her true nature to humans and they started revolting. In fact, Arthur and her kind, who used to hold high political power in society, are now being hunted down. Arthur and her assistant Ataru, a zombie, must move from place to place in order to avoid humans but also so that they can find a way to make things go back to how it was before. (Source: MangaHelpers) This series is on hiatus.
In a strange twist on Arthurian legend, young Art pulls the magical sword Excalibur out of a stone—only to find himself as one of a million Arthurs, fighting to defend the island of Britain from enemies and to earn the rank of the true king. Art is pretty puny, but his childhood friend Ligu (who was also chosen by an Excalibur) tries to keep him from being immediately killed. Soon Art lives in a castle with knights, which are created beings who serve the kings. From the respect with which he treats the knights, he inspires some to hope he becomes the true king. But is that really achievable by a scrawny crybaby like him? (Source: MU)
Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are solving many criminal cases but one thing is weird: All the cases are verly likely to each other. So who is the mastermind of all these cases?
A one-shot based on the classic Sherlock Holmes short story "The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb."
In a London cloaked in darkness, the Shadow Masters and their nightmarish crimes run rampant. Up against them, as they use the shadows to commit impossible crimes, is none other than the handsome young detective Sherlock Holmes and his partner Watson. In a city controlled by evil, an overwhelming battle of logic unfolds as Holmes takes on the ethereal-like shadow creatures one by one!! Is Holmes’ shadow really his own!? (Source: Jmanga)
Manga version of A Study in Scarlet novel by Arthur Conan Doyle.
An adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories.
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