During the Edo period, Japan is suddenly invaded by alien creatures known as the "Amanto." Despite the samurai's attempts to combat the extraterrestrial menace, the Shogun soon realizes that their efforts are futile and decides to surrender. This marks the beginning of an uneasy agreement between the Shogunate and Amanto, one that results in a countrywide sword ban and the disappearance of the samurai spirit. However, there exists one eccentric individual who wields a wooden sword and refuses to let his samurai status die. Now that his kind are no longer needed, Gintoki Sakata performs various odd jobs around town in order to make ends meet. Joined by his self-proclaimed disciple Shinpachi Shimura, the fearsome alien Kagura, and a giant dog named Sadaharu, they run the business known as Yorozuya, often getting caught up in all sorts of crazy and hilarious shenanigans. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Included one-shots: Volume 1: Dandelion Volume 2: Shirokuro (Black and White) Volume 24: 13 Volume 38: Bankara-san ga Tooru
Slice of Life
Ever wonder what Yaoi-Con is like from a mangaka's point of view? In 2011, BL mangaka Fusanosuke Inariya attended Yaoi-Con as a guest of honor. Read this manga style report about her personal experiences on what she saw and how she felt. There's plenty of fun as East meets West in this fujoshi fueled article! (Source: DMG)
Uki Ogasawara (Black Sun) was the special guest for 2012's Yaoicon. It was her first attendance located in a hotel, and DMP's first year as the event's hosts. So, what did she think and how did it all go? Come on and find out! (Source: DMG)
Novel of the second Gintama movie, written by Oosaki Tomohito, the same author of Ginpachi-sensei. What would have happened if the Shiroyasha never existed? Edo is thrown to chaos by a mysterious cause. Sakata Gintoki, now lives in a world where the future has changed, without him. What has happened to the Yorozuya? Gintoki, who is now a ghost of the past, must once again carry the burden in order to save his friends. He must finish the biggest job ever, which may be the final job of Yorozuya.
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