DramaShounen AiYaoi
Ritz: The doll scientist. Darlene: The doll created by Ritz... Ritz begins teaching of the world, humanity, and how to become human to Darlene, who's existence revolves around his own, Ritz, but...
This manga is set in a distant future, based around the fictional city "Kaiserhald." In this world, "Sol" has the power to create miracles, but is horded by Kaiserhald and it's "Church." The "Sol Triggers" is a group of people who oppose their corrupt use of the "Sol" and fight to stop them.
Nonaga Hiromasa is an up and coming soccer coach who has made a name for himself for bringing multiple teams from literally nothing to the top in the country. What’s even more impressive is that he just entered high school! He was recruited into his current high school as the new soccer coach, and his observation skills and ability to predict the opponents’ movement make his sole presence enough to win games. The fact that Hiromasa is going to be coaching at the high school has many top soccer players flocking to this school, but none stand out more to him than Sakamichi Kappo. Not only can Kappo score a goal from half field with his powerful kick, but his ball control is second to none. Initially, Kappo didn’t want to play on a team because he thought no one understood “his soccer style,” but when Hiromasa was able to understand it, Kappo decideds to play for the team. Will the brilliant coach and the talented player be able to take the high school soccer world by storm?
Based on a novel, this Korean manhwa focuses on heroine Jeong Won Yun, a strong girl who knows self defense. She reports a hit and run case which then disrupts the family of one of the other main characters, Hui Won. He constantly abuses her whilst he falls in love with her along the way; however, she has a boyfriend—Eun Gyu—who is the singer of an ongoing band. (Source: MU)
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