My Graduate Roommate in Women's Clothes
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Qi Tong height is 1.78m, but he starts his live webcast known for his cuteness and beauty. What shows how powerful his ability to attract both boys and girls. Chen Baifei, as his hapless roommate, is the only one who has no interest in Qi Tong at all. He should graduate successfully, but Qi Tong brings lots of troubles to him...
74 Chapters
Adriel Keni
2019-06-22 14:20
oh like cross dressing 😍
Fatiha Célestine: hhh
Warda Orange: hh
Neri Takanashi
2019-06-22 14:17
I think when a men wear girl clothes specialy the character it looks awesome they can even beat girls.So hot ❤❤
2019-06-22 14:26
I think clothes are the way to express one's feelings, emotions they feel....and showing our emotions is not restricted when it comes to gender...so guess everyone...boy or girl they look all according to their mood ....all beautiful all happy💓💓
ban X elanie forever: but true. true that. I'm a girl but I hate dresses. I'm a Tom boy and usually wearing black because, to me,. it shows th...
ban X elanie forever: oof that was .. interesting o. o 😂😂😂
2019-06-22 14:41
I think boys wearing women's clothes are really cute and have a lot of courage 😆! They are really cool to wear things that they like not like me. Cross dressing is really cool and pretty to see 😍😎
Visitor 75000: hi
ami ✖💖✖💖
2019-06-22 14:26
if he feels happy and comfortable in women cloths , then it's fine. We only have one life live it happily......
Galaxy Cookie
2019-06-22 14:33
I believe if a man wants to wear women's clothing he should be able to wear it. Whether it makes him happy, he wants to express himself, or it's for a show, there's nothing wrong with cross-dressing.
ezerialblue: tbh only sex exclusive clothes like undergarments are mens or only women's clothes.rest of what he's wearing stockings, ...
ezerialblue: also idk why any thing other than sex specific clothing is even considered gender/sex exclusive,itsbunnecesary. when all...
panic_at_the_disco_ and_tøp
2019-06-23 1:18
Honestly I don't mind a man wearing a "woman's" dress. I put quotation marks on woman because I don't think dresses should just be for women. Dresses for the most part are meant to make you look good and possibly comfortable if it's not too tight! The fact that our society makes dresses seem like they're just for woman is wrong! Men should wear a dress if they want and not be judged because men and women are basicly the same we both just want to feel good and look good! So if any man is comfortable enough to wear a dress in public I thank you! You're living your best life and nobody should care!
panic_at_the_disco_ and_tøp: women*
BUTT: oml this comment should win it s the best one you just said what I thought
2019-06-22 14:16
I think a man can look sexy wearing woman dresses as long as it portray with the right body shape, or a character they what it creates shows there true inner beauty.
Yaoi Daisuki
2019-06-22 14:31
i think clothes should not be limited by gender. especially women have a wide range of variety in clothes. Men have too little choices in terms of clothes. In occasions , Men can only wear suits while women have a vatiety of dresses to wear. If it weren't for societal conditioning , anyone could wear any clothes they want to. Clothes should make the wearer comfortable and happy. So yeah , men can wear women's clothing btw , I'm a man
2019-06-22 14:26
I think it is the person's choice😁 like today girls wear pants and jeans which were earlier reserved for boys so I think it's okay as it's the person's choice and comfort