Highschool: Blood and Sorrow - Chapter 1

Highschool: Blood and Sorrow
Highschool: Blood and Sorrow

Frequency: IDK

Update Schedule: IDK


In 2025, a massive global war hit the planet. The Summoner’s Guild, a global organization consisting of multiple countries that maintain world peace, and an unnamed organization that were against the Summoner’s Guild rules fought for 2 long, bloody years. It ended in the Summoner’s Guild eventually dominating them and forcing them into submission. It is now 2045 and an evil group rises once again and beings recruiting members, willingly and by force, to take over the country of Japan and then... the world. Mages and Summoners alike must band together if they even want a chance to stop the “Masked Man”, the mastermind behind the upcoming global assault.

1 Chapters

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