Me and Marigold
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
People have been saying that Marigold is an odd girl, born into a powerful and wealthy crime family, Marigold has had everything brought to her on a silver platter. She has always been noted to be rather unusual since she was little, people won't admit it but behind her family's back she has been mentioned as "evil". Whether this is true or not is irrelevant because I am stuck with her forever. This is the story of me and Marigold.
50 Chapters
2019-02-19 10:29
why u sad i donno nan molla
kim ro woon : whoo i don't know i don't know why~~ ik it's a different part but i got it stuck in my head:|
~Nyaw(It's Happy!)~
2019-02-19 11:48
😭 evil old lady's gonna hurt Nana
Dream Come True
2019-02-19 12:19
The drawing of this comic are so lovely But... That chapter was really sad...
I❤uHazel : 3 Aaron
2019-02-19 10:52
that was a lil saaad 😢
Star Senpai★
2019-02-23 7:2
I'm confused about the two last panels?😣😣😣...
Charlie's Angel😼
2019-02-20 12:36
but not her husband....your son???
2019-02-19 12:15
Lulu 😇
2019-02-20 1:53
Who's a army here !!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!
Charlie's Angel😼
2019-02-20 12:35
i don't get it
2019-09-03 9:12
Wait...if the dad of Elmwood is the husband of Goldie's mom...wait..oh my head hurts..