Plastic Sisters
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Famous romantic novelist, Lingyi, is not only brilliant, but also a great beauty with nice face and nice body! However, no one knows that Lingyi is actually two people: the beauty Lin Xuan and blue stocking Yi Yuan.
61 Chapters
cool camille
2019-05-16 16:15
their friendship is really amazing...😄😄...lol her nose ....if u dare to harm them again then u have take plastic surgery 😁😁😂😂😂
❤blink_anime🐒: her whole face will be Destroyed lol😂
Fate of Destiny: i think even if she get plastic surgery she'll become ugly ^ ∆ ^
2019-05-16 16:14
I wonder if they are going to hate each other... I mean "Plastic Sister" hmmm
synsic: well ..sadly...they are going to hate each other soon because of the main "MALE" lead..
Sofiq: I hope not! But I think they will for some boy. It's even in the description of comic. Also, the sweet shy girl will pro...
I luv kookie 🍪
2019-05-16 16:18
yassssss bff 4 ever
Panda city: YASSS
Lau03: i think she would betrayed her (that author).. 😂 "plastic sister"
anamika George
2019-05-16 17:0
this is called as true friendship I also wanted to have friends like her..... don't apologise innocent person always be in trouble...... don't be too much innocent this world is cruel😂😂😂lol
2019-05-16 16:16
I really love lin because of how much she protects our girl
2019-05-16 16:35
their friendship is amazing....I wish I had a friend like her😖
Visitor 56961
2019-05-17 5:34
wait where is that something on lingyi's right eye ? or maybe birth mark?
Ŕèbëľ Fïşhįë2005: yes! it keeps on going missing all the time!!!🤦
2019-05-17 6:16
She’s so meek. Can’t she become a bit courageous to defend herself without relaying too much on her friend? If you don’t LEARN to stand on your own two feet, don’t blame others for taking advantage of you.
Hex Swiftlet
2019-05-16 16:20
I would love to have a best friend like her...🥰🥰🥰
2019-05-16 16:20
Will li change through out the storyy🤔