Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
From the moment he stepped onto the film arena, the youthful celebrity Shade has been confronted with a series magic incidents. His life all of a sudden became full of danger. Do all demons and ghosts love him? There is no need to be scared. Guarded by the Saint Knight, let’s break the darkness, unravel the mystery and march toward the end together!
54 Chapters
2019-12-09 14:18
Wow!!The new comic about Bl's fantasy and can't wait to see what happen next!!!
comic's is my life: 👍
Luna lone wolf 🎂
2019-12-09 14:14
This must take very good care for him at night 😏 Can't wait to see him next time
Visitor 25411: I can’t wait to read the next chapter! UwU
Liar: This chapter was censored. The kiss scene was cut off.
💚 I ❤EXOSuperMNCT💚
2019-12-09 14:46
The art is really good and I love how it's BL's fantasy! Very good work author!😁😁
😾😾Levi Jaeger😾😾
2019-12-09 14:19
"Him" huh? so he's special? or a reincarnation of a powerful man and died and the white-haired knows him for years ago
suicide maniac
2019-12-09 18:28
So Shade is actually somebody else? I mean he's not aware of his original form aka archangel?
Angeline Abraham
2019-12-09 22:19
I'm confused. Whos the red guy then?
Katsa Moonlight: Shade
:)) : I know I’m lost tpp
2019-12-09 14:17
Ai Lhyne
2019-12-09 14:33
wow . . he didn't know who he is. .
suicide maniac
2019-12-09 18:27
MaD HaTteR
2019-12-09 14:32
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