The Deathless
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
An ordinary girl as she is, she possesses the eyes of death which can make her see the death rate of others. Even if she's troubled, she has no access to death! Hearing her calling, the god of death comes for her. However, it’s useless? What will happen between a girl who desires death and the god of death who cannot kill the girl? What’s the secret of the girl's super power...
96 Chapters
🧨Not a name🍩
2020-09-23 5:18
This guy likes her, this reminds me of death note, she can see everyone's lifespan, and in death note you can see lifespan when you have the shinigami eyes, am I the only one thinking this?😂
ezerialblue: she's like a human ryuk except with the ability to drain lifespan (that part is sad tho it can be lonely as hell if you ...
Sylvia.: she's prob a half shinigami
2020-09-23 5:14
justingseagull: hi , lets be friend 🐻
El Sayaneth : Oh hello there :)
Nana.. 👑
2020-09-23 7:53
lol that boy turned into conan😂😂
Viõlét💜×Gilbert💌💎: Kudo Shinichi, to be specific 👓✨
Anime Lover💖(Nadia)
2020-09-23 19:48
Loved the last panel 😍😍
2020-09-23 5:36
the last one😂😂😂😂
2020-09-23 15:55
😍 aww public friendship request 😍 so cute
Jenny: Yes so cute 😍😍
Tuku Ghosh
2020-09-23 12:7
the angry small grim reaper at the end... how cute..❤❤
2020-09-23 5:35
Aww please be her friend too
Ginger Katherina
2020-09-24 18:28
He is such a lovely dude 😭😭😭
Happy Kenken
2020-09-23 18:1
Why don't they just adopt the cat?