The Revolution of the Moon and Sun
Frequency: 1 up/month
Update Schedule: Mon.
Ravi has always been in love with her childhood friend, Selene, but she's sure that she's not loved back. Later, her encounter with Carmen will spice her already spicy life.
35 Chapters
You are worth it.
2020-12-07 23:41
Parsley? (first)
于静: I assume it's because of the green hair lol
Natalie Keens: she called her parsley in chapter 7 too
So Many Good Fandoms
2020-12-07 23:46
Wow- I’m second for once- also, why’d she call her Parsley-
Alisha Engler: I think it might be the green hair? Beats me
Natalie Keens: it most likely is the hair, she called her parsley in chapter 7 too
Visitor 04894
2020-12-08 2:21
Lol got here while not reading the comic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 lmao
Visitor 04894
2020-12-08 2:23
Parsley???? Wut those that mean :/
2020-12-08 7:16
it's a species of flowering plant..i think she called ravi parsley because her hair is green
Visitor 29334
2021-01-02 5:32
She was so close to her long awaited quiet time😂😂😂
2020-12-08 11:21
So much love for Spiga ❤❤❤
SpigaRose: Thank you so much and right back at you 🥰🥰💕💕❤️ *hugs
Bonnie :)
2020-12-08 1:44
HIEDAYA🖤: parsley is a species of flowering plant..i think she called ravi parsley because her hair is green
2020-12-17 17:4
k I'm sry for like forgetting ABT the real plot but like can we get more scene of the red haired girl and parsley plsssssss this ship is amazing and maybe some 14+ scenes ?
SpigaRose: Thank you! You will surely see more of them, also I can barely draw pg10 things without getting reported for it, I will ...
2021-03-03 20:38
Don’t you just hate it when your chance at quiet time gets interrupted by a ridiculously hot girl?