Project Boyfriend
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
During middle school, Hatori was known as "Project Boyfriend", someone who helped a girl get back at her love interest. Sick of it all, he moves away to start a new chapter for Senior high. Now he lives a new life in a new town where no one knows of his past. At least, no one should have known...
36 Chapters
Nico Ju
2019-05-16 22:13
I really hope that they will caught her bf cheating so that our boy can make his path to her heart...
FunForever: 👍👍👍
❤blink_anime🐒: yeo
2019-05-16 22:14
upsree please i want it
2019-05-17 1:38
why does the boy with white and red hair looks like todoroki!!!!
♡Shirayuki_hime♡: yeah.. I too was thinking that when I first saw him 😂
Kyo Kara Maoh !😍: Wow Ye-chi lin and Shirayuki together. Guess it's my lucky day . So Hi to both of you. 😍💇🙋🙋
2019-05-16 22:57
I wish when they meet her boyfriend jerk, they break up right away she can be comforted by our hatori-san now and BOOM ship sails😂
Jennifer Herrera S
2019-05-16 22:18
Ahhhh!! Even if they act like they don’t know each other they look so good together and their blushing by just saying their own names...☺️😆👍
2019-05-16 22:39
want to read more of this comic without waiting any longer? Comment bellow and ask UwU I know where most of its upspree chapters are ☺
2019-05-17 0:32
project boyfriend in progress
2019-05-17 2:5
And its a start of something new, it feels so right to be here with you✌️
2019-05-16 22:59
hehe starting to like her .... are u boy
2019-05-17 1:58
It returns, humanity restored.