The Purifier
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
The leading character is Yue Qing Tao. Born in a poor family, she was picked home(hole) when she wandered the street, and the one who picked her actually knew her for several generations. Although he clearly knows that the girl wouldn’t be the same person after she gets reborn in each generation, it's his selfish motive to get close to her, then just let them be together.
55 Chapters
2019-11-15 18:53
Wow that guy was creepy 😬.. Who does that on a date...lol he found fault with everything then what the heck does he eat.. 😂😂😂😂
👸👸👸: Guess he eats only air🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pizza For MJ/TammyA: Grass?
2019-11-15 20:26
third ( ⓛ ﻌ ⓛ *)
pancakes_ forever: ●-●
Rioco: *_*
2019-11-15 18:45
hi peeps
Rachel Houston
2019-11-16 13:10
I just realized sis chu and her look alike!! Is that what he meant by waiting a thousand years?! Is our main girl the reincarnation of sis chu?
2019-11-15 21:41
that dude wont get laid unless the other party is so drunk that they dont even know their own name
Jimin is awww 😍
2019-11-16 6:16
why do i think that the guy is her dad
MONSTA ARMY 😎😎😎😘: really😮😮😮
MONSTA ARMY 😎😎😎😘: but i like ur name
2020-05-01 10:37
She want to see her boyfriend 😃
Inara Morgan
2020-06-13 2:3
they both look like twin sisters!
2019-11-16 22:11
well you are a doormat because the ML will do anything he wants with you, just like every comic...
2019-11-24 18:47
Yo guys I start to suspect that that dude is her love (the pinkie haired one)