Stay in This Century
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
For centuries he has lived in secret and under different names just to find a cure for what has turned him into a vampire — the plague. Until one day, she finds out about him being a vampire. What is she going to do? Will she still love him despite everything?
63 Chapters
xxx yyyy
2021-08-26 15:31
first i thought Jane was the ml name only n he changed it now😂😂
锋利小兰: What was that thing in the last panel??😕
Visitor 35122: jane ia ml's morher ig
2021-08-26 11:8
who is jane?
Angela💕: mother I guess hahaha
2021-08-26 12:24
jane isabelle? who?
2023-11-24 21:20
He’s so cute