Rise and Fall of Madoraxia
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Melodia the half-human and half-dragon queen finds herself torn in the web of time. Now her parents' legacy at the verge of doom, as daughter of the Equinox her mission is secure the destiny of Madoraxia. Will she able to rise Madoraxia's flag again or will Madoraxia fall?
15 Chapters
Scarlett -_-
2019-07-29 3:7
so I guess this is how the mom meet the dad.
Reaper: Yep and why is so many people confused???? The child is just telling the story of what’s happening.... :/
2019-07-29 3:54
I mean I'm glad to see an update, but I'm so confused!
shatashia watson: on foreal
sayilovepie channel
2019-07-29 3:57
Oh that is kind of cool! So, turns out that's how the parents of the mc met. I wonder how she will be when she wakes up though 😅 probs mad 😂
2019-07-29 16:4
holy shit. i didn't see that coming.😶
2020-01-07 4:42
whats going on now i dont understand