Black Horda
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
For centuries, people that harbour special abilities, the Hordarians, protect humanity from a threat they don't even know about. Man-hunting Monsters, called Slayers, crawl trough cracks in a barrier of a strange world hidden to man. Meet the Black Horda, the greatest and most powerful guild of Hordarians to ever exist... or, so they say. What is their secret? How did this hidden world come to be? And is it only the Slayers you should fear?
40 Chapters
kanato sakamaki
2019-02-12 22:48
hmmm..bottle.....whine.....hm....HMM......HMMMMM.i dont get it....WAIT WAIT wa-....OH SH1T
kanato sakamaki: aye!
KittyClaws: they g oing t o burn his h ouse
Only Yuri
2019-02-12 22:44
dafuq he think he can do??? what an idiot 😒
Quincy: Right!? Dude almost got fried to a crisp! Now he’s like “Imma burn his house down”
poopy but: the house also looks like it's made out of concreate exept for the roof
2019-02-12 22:43
don't you dare
PURPLE GUY: spider Man doesn't feel to good
cool camille
2019-02-12 22:48
hmmm we all know u would not die.... btw author ur technique is too unique like it...😶
Forsaken Moon: Yeah, btw, a prediction, he gets put in jail when they find out, cause we saw a drawing of him in the jail cell once, ri...
Khan Tuba: hmmmmmmmm
James Klie
2019-02-12 22:43
don't you hurt my man's he'll kill you all
Zach Klie: James ik who u are I see u 😂
Bl,pups&BTS rules!!!
2019-02-12 22:43
Bl,pups&BTS rules!!!
2019-02-12 22:43
Princess UwU
2019-02-12 23:46
what's with the bottle? don't you dare!!😫
King Boxon
2019-02-13 1:45
Kids are insane
Dakota Powers
2019-02-13 1:48
they got a Molotov Everybody Run