The Code of Silence
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Everyone’s impression of assassin Joaquin is the same: dangerous and cold-blooded. But we all know that fate likes to play a cruel prank on us. In an extermination assignment, Joaquin is shocked to find out that his targets are the adopted parents of Davion – someone who saved his life. When the seemingly fragile and innocent boy begs Joaquin to teach him his skills to avenge the murder of his adopted parents, he hesitantly agrees...
89 Chapters
Visitor 13853
2022-01-19 21:51
Aww cute 🥰
Tesa Yarbrough: why is this so realative to my life?
Visitor22837: There's barely any comments
2022-01-20 3:51
Baileigh Stollenwerck: with is ur profile picture 🤣🤣
nan: don't worry it's not illegal it okay for them to fall in love😂😂😂😂👌
Visitor 13817
2022-06-11 19:56
cute But one thing KILL THAT DUDE WITH A BAT
❤ bl for life ❤
2022-10-04 18:12
yeah thats medicine medicine(drugs) thats normak medicine😎😎😎
Hawa Raniah
2022-01-30 13:12
so cute. now i dont want to see the ending
$ното тоอоѓоќї
2022-11-24 19:55
that medicine looked more like a marshmallow
Sasaki Hanzawa
2024-01-20 15:28
Awwwwwwwwwwww so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🥰🥰😍❤️
Farzona Abdurashidova
2022-05-23 19:9
why I'm so shied ❤️🥺
2022-11-16 20:50
He’s such a pretty boi
Anthony Romey
2022-12-26 23:47
so cute