I Can Hear Your Heartbeat
Frequency: 1 up/week
Update Schedule: Thur.
Sandra Wilson, who becomes rich overnight by inheriting a large sum of money, moves into the unit next door to her boss. Things get complicated as they try to keep a professional relationship while attempting to achieve a peaceful coexistence as neighbors. After many ups and downs, they find themselves falling in love with each other. However, it seems like there's a dark secret behind what seems to be a perfect relationship.
70 Chapters
2022-02-27 7:12
is he the 2nd ml?
Evil Queen
2022-11-12 11:49
OVK he is the sec. male lead. He doesn't suit the male lead😑😑
Nana Nana booboo ^_^
2023-03-18 23:41
She looks like little kid who put on a suit. 🤣🤣🤣🤣