Three Months to Live
Frequency: 1 up/week
Update Schedule: Tues.
The cat I fed in the street was from Hell and is able to tell when everyone will kick the bucket? And it said that I only have three months left to live? The story follows Guan Yu's 3-month journey to the end of his life.
72 Chapters
Aad'rin Dargiuza
2024-02-04 10:1
Yuan? The blondie? is so pretty
Wang yi
2024-04-24 9:55
Oooo it's kinda hot~ 🥴
I ship them for you
2024-06-25 3:1
these are those plots where the cat terns into a human while sleeping....(っ´▽`)っ
I ship them for you: I just read the first panel,...,maybe I was wrong.... (´ε`)
Intellect is Needed
2024-09-05 14:38
Yo did you guys notice that Guan Yu must be naked!🤨
2024-09-30 17:36
I bet you that the white guard undid the transformation and this is probably what he meant when he was thinking "I have a suprise for them!". 😏