Rise and Fall of Madoraxia
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Melodia the half-human and half-dragon queen finds herself torn in the web of time. Now her parents' legacy at the verge of doom, as daughter of the Equinox her mission is secure the destiny of Madoraxia. Will she able to rise Madoraxia's flag again or will Madoraxia fall?
15 Chapters
2019-08-11 22:6
And here I thought there was going to be romance between that blakc dragon and her... xd Well, going to keep reading anyways!
Ghoulish activity
2019-08-11 22:18
I wish the time between episodes wasn't so long
May Poop: dat means its longer right?
kaneki ken 2
2019-08-12 1:16
ken kaneki kagume💜: hey reading ur name i felt like u r my junior 😂😂😂
ken kaneki kagume💜: and there are two time lines first is of the princess melodia second is the one where the melodia isnt born yet
Once_I am_Dead Again
2019-08-12 3:10
I understalood it, then the graph cleared things up. Also, WHY SO LONG BETWEEN CHAPTERS!?!?! If you're busy with other things then I understand, I also understand if aren't the best artist in the world so it takes a while to make new chapters. If it's any of the latter two options, I deeply regret yelling at you.
2019-09-03 14:17
Holy Stag: “Now, remember - according to my theory, someone interfered and made your parents hate each other. If they hate each other, they won’t fall in love, they won’t get married, and they won’t have you. Madoraxia’s disappeared and unless you repair the damage, you’ll be next.” MC: “Sounds pretty heavy.”
Jenabee Larrabee
2019-08-12 10:57
Turned around real quick idk if I want to wait to read lol
ken kaneki kagume💜
2019-08-12 19:34
the end explained it all but i have a theory that the armor knight is actually that 3nations prince that died ....u4ria
Scarlett -_-
2019-08-13 3:33
ok wow. it's a great comic but a little confusing 😣
lazy shrimp
2019-08-14 1:16
This is actually quite interesting thx for the wonderful work
Im BTS' 8th member💚
2019-08-18 6:17
can you upload faster please I Wait literally a whole month for 1 chapter PLEASE upload weekly