Frozen Heart
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
What happen when an injured dragon suddenly appeared in your house? Sell it? Heal it? Be friend with it? Can a dragon and human live peacefully side by side? You won’t believe what this dragon had to do to survive
48 Chapters
Visitor 83120
2019-03-29 22:3
It’s called K.O.
Fireytika: A obvious result of fighting a dragon~
ZangWeWu/Dark-Kun: I'm shock seeing author talk XD
Élise Andrea
2019-03-29 22:4
Fireytika: Instant karma
*-^karma^-*: He was a dead man before the battle started..
Itsyourgirlred 123
2019-03-29 22:4
Ohhhh I see This is getting interesting...
Fireytika: Thank youu ^^
No name person
2019-03-29 22:56
lol he asked and received
Im a cat
2019-03-29 23:15
this is why u dont mess with dragons because there will be instant karma.
Fireytika: Yupp ^^
Browat 1234t56
2019-03-30 1:19
welp he got OOFED
2019-03-30 1:21
he didient even used the sticl.. and give 1 hit K.O
2019-03-29 23:13
Light Fury
2019-04-02 19:48
Never challenge Draco to a fight you will always lose!
Fireytika: Especially at sword fighting
Ellie Claire
2019-03-30 1:34
Poor Res, getting his ass handed to him ^^