Miss Widow
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
At the beginning of the 19th century, Elvira went to marry in the English countryside. Shortly after the wedding, she hears people planning the death of her husband. What if she helped them ?!
34 Chapters
mochi thickass
2021-02-15 4:17
child labour
Ana GroL: being the old times I'm just glad Susy is working rather than being engaged into convenience marriages
mochi thickass: hm
Esmerald q
2021-02-15 4:28
2021-02-15 0:24
This isn't a plan built to last... foresight kind of lost on this one
Ruthy Morales
2021-02-15 1:38
kids say the darndest things!!!!
2021-02-15 20:17
She could always employ someone else after some time :) I feel bad fr that kid.
2021-04-07 0:25
a beautiful kid 😍😚