Text Augury
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
After graduation, Mark Bush returned to his home village to start his business, but he was involved in a strange event because of a baby's disappearance. When facing confusing situations, he gradually realized that the source of all the oddities was himself. He also learnt a truth that human is the evilest thing in this world!
42 Chapters
Ann Perales
2018-10-21 20:39
Him thinking: "Why me?!"
bts taekook
2018-10-21 20:54
so mysterious.. i cant wait what happend next
Paul Le
2018-10-21 23:57
Mark was like u serious bro
Ruan Liπ
2018-10-21 22:54
the man in black
Navya Katragadda: ruan li from i was xxx by my idol
MaryQueen Villabito
2018-10-22 12:22
Why me again? πππ
2018-10-22 4:9
This is so intresting...but it updates so late
Adysa Valkyrhan
2018-10-22 13:57
perhaps the other him was actually "him" who time traveled in the future past.
Visitor 48495
2018-10-23 5:54
getting thrilled
2018-10-23 8:28
really like this but takes too long to update to a next chapter
Night Cat
2018-10-24 9:52
okay now im really confused....