Lockdown No Escape
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The Sound of the alarm triggering the lockdown is the last thing Sam can remember. Sam wakes up in the middle of his classroom to discover everyone around him is dead. With no memories of how he got there, Sam tries to figure at what could have happened, but Sam doesn't just have to worry about what killed his classmates, because even the survivors are after his blood.
35 Chapters
2019-10-06 2:37
They should be glad that he saved them rather than being arrogant in front of the hero that just saved them 😒
XWD / X Wonders Anim: I mean, I'd be pissed to know I had to deal with that, but he doesn't know the full story, so I don't blame him
2019-10-06 2:22
good job author keep it up!!
2019-10-06 2:23
She's excellent
Chinchilla dog
2019-10-06 15:11
deeeemn this story is sooo unpredictable which makes it so good and every chapter is worth it thankyou author =)
Bibieve: Yeah indeed..it's just a slow update but thumb up' Author for ur good n amazing work
2019-10-06 12:14
he looks like shikamaru ..
2019-10-06 3:7
so looong 1chapter
XWD / X Wonders Anim: das what she said
m8rmri: i mean soo looong to do 1 chapter
Clark Quio
2019-10-06 13:47
now that's makes sense. about the title
2019-10-26 9:11
Noooo!! I'm reading to fast!!
Katie cat
2019-10-27 1:37
that girl is amazing
Royal Eevee
2020-03-08 1:0
I hope he didn't unleash whatever caused this