Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Arya was forced to disguise himself as a woman and marry a man he had never met. But he never imagined that married life would be like in Hell.
26 Chapters
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Arya was forced to disguise himself as a woman and marry a man he had never met. But he never imagined that married life would be like in Hell.
26 Chapters
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loveis Life 😘
2020-02-13 0:28
great he already has someone else in his life and now when he marry arya he will be even more mean to him 😩😩😣😣
ha-ru 🌸🎐: time for Arya to have more dramatic experience.😩Comparing his life to mine,I feel like im in paradise, enjoying eating ...
2020-02-12 22:53
I'm a fishman~(°w°)~: awesome. I'm 3rd! nice to meet you second! lol
2020-02-13 1:48
arya will have really hard life..🥺🥺🥺🥺
2020-02-13 4:5
How does the mom plan on keeping it a secret that Haya is a man? If they get married the man is probably going to expect to sleep with his "wife" at some point. This woman has two children so presumably she knows about anatomy. Is this woman expecting her son to live as a woman, wearing a dress, make-up, and a wig 24/7 all while trying to dodge intimate activities with his "husband"? How long can he keep that up? Is the mother expecting to switch the twins out at some point when her daughter is better? If the other woman is such a good friend that they want their children to get married and she is some how going to help heal the daughter couldn't she just ask them for the help right off?
Nath V: a good friend who doesnt know finance difficulties of her Friend ans dont know she has one daughter and one son. and n...
CyberEmpress: Yea so many things off in the plot. I just started this story. I appreciate the effort. But it's full of plot holes :(
2020-02-13 23:51
What if he's secretly gay and doesn't want to marry a women? Idk 😜
2020-02-13 2:47
I wonder who is that girl that their talking about 🧐🤔
Xiuxheng Sok: Definitely not a good girl I think. If the girl is really good,the mother wouldn’t have dislike her. So I think that gir...
2020-05-25 14:15
what a nice friend she has
2020-02-12 23:13
okeh... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lucio Lala Adelaida
2020-02-13 0:10
see more ok wow
ciox 💖
2020-02-13 1:26
noooo......deberia ser dos capitulos por semana es muy corto capitulo.. pero igual gracias