Frequency: 2 ups/month(2nd & 15th)
Update Schedule: IDK
Johnny is an unconvicted criminal who decided to turn a new leaf and start a 100% legal business. Not only will his past get in the way of maintaining that, everything in his life could fall apart if he allowed himself to fall in love with the wrong person.
69 Chapters
Lilly reader🌸
2020-11-29 22:5
I think Christy is also gay 😁😁
Lilly reader🌸: I know, I hope she is lesbian
Autumn The Demigod: Yeah and girls can be gay too. Gay girls are called lesbian but gay is like an adjective too
2020-11-29 22:49
Please invite him to the party. Please!!!!!🥰🥰😭😭
2020-11-30 7:19
love the last “Shoot Me” hahahaha
Visitor 25411
2020-11-29 22:5
I ship too UwU
Ren Clear
2020-11-30 7:1
"I need a big@ss lock on that door" Somewhat paraphrased, but it's a mood nonetheless.
Emmanuella Balogun
2020-11-29 22:12
I ship it too❤️❤️❤️#charles and Johnny 4ever🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰😍😍🥰😳🥰🥰😳😳😐
2020-11-30 0:2
yes baby girl we ship them all the way😂
ginny coco
2020-11-30 5:40
UwU imma take my bros gun and shot u biss- (he's a cop btw(
2020-11-30 7:41
when he attends the party Johnny definitly will be surprised 🤗
Jize belongs to Ning
2020-11-30 14:49