Missing Pieces
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Scott Robinson must relive the worst days of his life to solve a mystery four decades old. Will he accept what happened so long ago and discover the missing pieces buried deep within his memory? Or will the mystery remain unsolved forever?
30 Chapters
2019-07-27 13:47
I want pizza 🍕 😜😂😂my eyes were on the pizza 🕵️👀
Copper Mouflon: the love for pizza is strong! we also wanted pizza while making this
tears of the sun: me too
2019-07-27 0:12
c'mon man don't use Weeds again 😂
Copper Mouflon: i know right?? especially when you can't handle it
Laura Bridgeman
2019-07-27 12:19
David is hiding something.. 😒😒 Thanks for the wallpaper though!
Laura Bridgeman: 1. David and Scott 2. David and his partner Both look incredible ❤️
Copper Mouflon: oh for sure..! which wallpaper are you referring to?
Sadist King
2019-07-27 17:54
I don't know about y'all but that brother in-law is up to something.
Sadist King: i think David is probably Mr. MC's other personality's accomplice! :D awesome work btw!! good luck bro !!
Copper Mouflon: what if he's not alone?
Hayizar Anahtlus
2019-07-27 11:14
can't wait for more
Copper Mouflon: on its way!:D
2019-07-27 11:20
I think he should go to a mental hospital of some kind.. 😅
Copper Mouflon: he should, with his money he can hire the best doctors