Comic Strip
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Something was here, but it got no traction... so now it's not.
43 Chapters
- The Arrival
- For the Record
- Interview with a Destroyer
- Self Reflection
- Collecting My Thoughts
- Collecting My Thoughts
- The Council
- First Conyact
- Walkabout
- Questions
- Closer and Closer
- Confrontation
- The Truth Hurts
- Conditional Peace
- Compensation
- On the Run
- Hello and Goodbye
- State of Mind
- Communication
- Carrer Placement
- Great Expectations
- Leaving
- Veiled Opportunity
- Follow Up
- Avoidance
- Reinforcement
- Searching
- Informed
- Between the Lines
- Prelude
- Damage Control
- Distractions
- The Welcome Wagon
- Employment
- Strange Deals
- Bugged
- A Deal's a Deal
- Destroyer vs Destroyer
- Love is
- On the Other Hand
- Who's Who
- Interactions
- Tweetered