Just A..
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
He will die surely...
105 Chapters
- Brace yourself
- consciousness
- What the...?
- I have to hold on
- Get up dammit!
- Everything went black
- Miracles happen
- Where am I!
- WHAT ?!
- WTF?..
- “Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.”
- I'm GOD
- Gime me a "KISS"
- Shut up and die already.
- "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. ...
- Stupor
- Not here, Not again
- 1:20 PM
- Fade
- “How people die remains in the memory of those who live on”
- Story from Warm Wind
- Aaah!
- pain
- What happened
- I feel..
- ..so woozy
- Where are my specs?
- What!
- Where..
- Am I !?..
- Hello? Is there anyone here?
- Bright light
- A castle
- What' goin on
- Crack
- Wait!
- I'm damn sure
- Dead
- What?
- I guess
- What do you mean?
- Oh God!
- It was not me!
- Why is everything becoming blurry
- Dont heed to his Words
- Bam!!
- What the fuck..
- It's Moving
- Bitch!
- Just be prepared to enter hell
- Credits
- ch-56
- ch-57
- ch-58
- ch-59
- ch-60
- ch-61
- ch-62
- ch-63
- ch-64
- ch-65
- ch-66
- ch-67
- ch-68
- ch-69
- ch-70
- ch-71
- ch-72
- ch-73
- ch-74
- ch-75
- ch-76
- ch-77
- ch-78
- ch-79
- ch-80
- ch-81
- ch-82
- ch-83
- ch-84
- ch-85
- ch-86
- ch-87
- ch-88
- ch-89
- ch-90
- ch-91
- ch-92
- ch-93
- ch-94
- ch-95
- ch-96
- ch-97
- ch-98
- ch-99
- ch-100
- ch-101
- ch-102
- ch-103
- ch-104
- ch-105