Revenge of One-night Stand
Frequency: Unscheduled
Update Schedule: IDK
A girl from the wealthy family accidentally lost her virginity. She gets insulted by the other party after waking up the next morning. She swore to get her revenge, but got closer to him instead...
25 Chapters
2018-11-23 16:11
Sakura Kise: Aiden was it...He’s a total idiot when it comes to girls.
A.Nr_15: I'm feeling very sad for her😞😢😢
2018-11-23 16:14
oh boy are u gonna kiss *too curious*😍😍😛😜
found UwU: i think someone will show up or she will just slap him and run while crying and the guy will just want her more after
teal Arrow: i hope they do although if he doesn't want to get hit in the face again then they probably should not
Anime girl
2018-11-23 16:13
they look cute together
comiclover_xo2: yaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! OMG I CANT.....THEY LOOK WAY CUTE....HONESTLY...forgot the guy's name but I would kinda fall ...
Mikaela Quitoriano Rubio: Agree......say,your profile is the main female character at the comic entitled as star crossed lovers.....right?Correct ...
can i get a T_T
2018-11-23 16:11
Yayyyy I'm earlyyy
ALEXANDER HAMSTERTON: are you "can I get a UwU" depressed sibling?
Løading: Same
Ariana Garcia
2018-11-23 16:11
Awww soo cute 😂💗🤩
can i get a T_T
2018-11-23 16:14
That's super cute this episode omg
Galaxystar785: T_T and I love your coment!!!!!
2018-11-23 16:13
Hope Lee: agreed
sumaia akter: r u an army because BTS have a dope song in there album
2018-11-23 18:26
Not sure how I feel about this... Dude thinks it's ok he forced someone who just because he thought they were an escort and is going to make it better by manhandling said girl? Sure... That seems logical...
guess what🐒🍑: I don't like his method😑. it's good that he feels bad about it tried to apologize ..... but I can't just force her to f...
Kim Chi Tsukiyomi: true
2018-11-23 16:17
it took him like 14 episodes to remember what he did to her
2018-11-23 16:15
wow they finally met each other 😍😍😍😇😇😇