Lumi & Kage
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
"I am your light, your hero!" - An heir from the family of ONI slayer, and an ONI who forced to takes human souls for an unspeakable reason. With the trust of two friends who grow up and become enemies and lovers, how will Lumi save Kage?
81 Chapters
2021-05-08 9:30
The first panel was 💯❤️💅 KageLumi forevahhh I literally thought of kageyama's name when it comes to Kage's Name
Visitor 37716
2021-05-08 8:25
I dont like Riku he seems bad
lily the wolf: ;~; aww man I don't like waiting for them to make another
lily the wolf: yea
2021-05-10 2:10
I need more updates between excellent👏👌✨ chapter
2021-05-08 8:22
oh he disappeared, it’ll be okay lumi
Visitor 30276
2021-05-09 17:52
ok....... I'm 😄💅
2021-05-09 5:56
that red gurl is so annyoing 🙄
2021-07-03 7:7
there slirping lips fated~~
Visitor 69083
2021-08-04 15:34
The first panel tho😳😳😳
روز 🙂
2023-01-14 11:57
Can you donate? Belize 😢