Fantasies Are Reality's Tears
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
The two celestial beings, Centi and Auri tell a story about how the world of Aserith started to crumble. They created guardians called Gydens to protect the humans from monsters. But the humans started mistreating the Gyden's kindness and purpose on their world, thus created a spark that lead to war. Now the two celestials reunited 5 people to gather shards of a star that could grant a wish and save the world.
47 Chapters
Ramen is bae (♥ω♥*)
2019-02-19 3:2
Bro! You were just gonna leave her there. Now I know who not to pick for when it comes to teaming up.
Reaper13 : He was told to run. I bet that he’ll talk to the monster or something.
Ramen is bae (♥ω♥*)
2019-02-19 3:1
This girl doesn't even know what giving up is. Naruto Uzumaki Is SHOOK
Visitor 53939: he is quacking at the sight of her 🤣😂
WOW(_/°~°)_/: I'm quaking in my bootttsss😂
don't care if ur 1st
2019-02-19 3:2
How is she so strong? She is so bloody and wounded badly, yet she can still fight? This is one tough chick.
Visitor 53939: probs naruto's sister
lol this is cringey: Why is everyone talking about naruto!!!!
Isabelle Lee Wen
2019-02-19 2:40
too short😭😭😭😭
Visitor 53939: its not translated its drawn every week by the authour who has poured hours into it. its a little short but thats ok.
2019-02-19 2:41
I'm really enjoying this comic!
2019-02-19 2:31
hey, I'm first, and just to say I love your comic your doing great author❤❤❤
deku❤: I at a cinnamon role for breakfast, dose that mean I ate my own kind
Lauren Colarusso
2019-02-19 2:40
vest comic ever
Amy Levitt: did you mean best
Reaper13 : I don’t get vests. It’s summer on your arms and winter on your torso. Kidding I love vests.
2019-02-19 2:31
2019-02-19 3:21
Maybe the monster is just misunderstood
Doge Tdm
2019-02-19 2:41