Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
"An otome-obsessed girl is given the chance of a lifetime when she receives an invitation from her favorite dating sim company, opiichii, to beta test real life AIs from her first ever otome, 会いたい (aitai). What happens when fiction becomes reality?"
25 Chapters
Kyris Vids :3
2019-06-04 2:48
Mizutsukhan🖤: YEEESSS
oof girl
2019-06-04 2:45
me: ATI was updated also me: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!!
ashanti hunter: Me: NOOOOOO IT JUST A FILLER
●>●: me:omgomgomgomgomgomgomg
2019-06-04 2:44
am I the first one to comment????
"Yulissa and Siha"😝: yep congrats
WidowMakerTheHorse: yessssss T~T
Jessi Szyperski
2019-06-04 3:7
the price to pay was another week for the next chapter
TheRainbowRabbit Plays
2019-06-04 2:52
The price to pay was-HEY IT'S COOKI HERE!!
Winter Snowflake💙❄
2019-06-04 5:45
This is a bit sad, considering the fact that the brother was filled with despair, guilt and regret. This is sad. Alexa, play Baby Shark and Happy by Pharell Williams😂😂
J.M. H.: It said four things yet it was three?
Visitor 72657
2019-06-04 6:2
Aww... this was a beautifully drawn chapter... all of them are pretty!! I love this concept though!!
2019-06-04 2:57
Prays for it to not end in tragedy...
2019-06-04 2:58
I really like the art style here... And IM NOT FIRST YAS!!!!
2019-06-04 3:7
I'm just refreshing my genre page minute to minute so as to find newly updated comics and to comment first 😂😂😂😂it's kinda fun and exciting!