The Red Eyed Girl
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
During one night when she was 14 years old, Abbey went through some weird changes, her ears became elf like pointy, her eyes became red and on top of that, she got some powers. Not knowing what happened, she believes she's been hit by Karma because she used to bully a boy who was born with a monkey tail so, she'll try to find that boy and apologize in order to undo the Karma and reverse the changes.
75 Chapters
2020-06-02 22:55
hopefully you and the boy be friends again
◇*×DiamondQueen×*♡: again? (confusion)
Audrey The person: Luv ur username and i definitely hope they will be friends again soon
Natsuki Cookies
2020-06-03 0:4
it's so much interesting to read this!
✨_theonewhoanidiot_✨: True!
2020-06-02 22:56
the last part when the boy bullied the sister tho
Visitor 66980
2020-06-03 0:8
Bullying is bad kid 😑
2020-06-04 4:52
shoot, i thought those were her kids! lmao
waiting for you!!!
2020-06-03 4:4
are you going to help him??? to join??
Samu Gurung
2020-12-28 3:33
She doesn’t feel sorry from her heart ,she just thought that once he forgives her she will be back to human again ,she’s still selfish