Mega Maiden
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
As Mega Maiden, Isis Cook is empowered with superhuman strength and the ability to manipulate gravity. She has moved in with her long-time internet bestie Delaney Bell aka The Chop Chop Princess. Together they take a stab at being superheroes in the BIG CITY.
214 Chapters
- The Ballad of Isy and Dee Dee
- Secret Origins
- Viva La robot revolution!
- Face full of JUSTICE!
- Going Pro
- Big News!
- The Zero Guard
- The Dark Siren
- Enter: The American Riot!
- Damage Control
- What We Do is Secret
- Welcome to The Beerhut!
- Kandyflip Records and Comics
- What a jerk
- Robotina - Mistress O' Mechas
- See You Later, "Sister"
- Thunderbooty Strikes!
- Access denied!
- The Mystic Cat
- Gifts from your....Mother!!
- The all-new Mega Maiden!
- Team-up!
- Let it Burn!
- Rina Colins: Best. Boss. Ever.
- The Bearer of Bad News
- Nite Nite, Goukizilla!
- The Great Divide
- Season One Finale
- The Otakupus...?
- No Need For Sectors
- The Royal Terrors
- Mega VS Choppy
- That's a Wrap!
- Creepy McCreeperson
- To The Beerhut!
- Fight!
- My Life is a Lie!
- Tying up loose ends
- Here Comes Doomcloud
- The Night Shift
- Mega Maiden and The Young Idols
- The Klubhaus
- It's an Ambush!
- The Price...
- Seraphim Jax and the Guard Cloud
- Here Comes the BOOM!
- Doctor Countdown
- Bombastic!
- Season Two Finale: OWNED!
- TIGHTS! Short stories from across the city
- Nega Maiden
- Trouble is afoot!
- I Made You Who You Are!
- Big Bro Energy
- Trauma Queen
- Is this going to hurt?
- Not Again!
- What Secret Identity?
- Are You Crazy?!
- Size Queen
- Just Shut Up!
- Batter Up!
- Are You Kidding Me?
- Here Comes The Street Cleaners
- Where are you?!
- The Outrage!
- Audi 5000
- It Was Like That When I Got Here!
- Mystic Cat Returns!
- Whoops, My Bad
- Meanwhile...
- Trouble in Paradise?
- Come Out and Play
- powerless?!
- It's Showtime!
- Jawbreaker!
- See ya never!
- That's What I Said!
- Fair is Fair
- High Noon
- Is This What You Wanted?-
- How to De-Arm a Nemesis:
- You Planned This?
- The Doctor Returns!
- The NEW Chop Chop Princess
- "Break" Time!
- Oh No.
- Justice has it's Price
- I Don't Hate You
- Season Three End: I Hate My Life
- Death Comes Ripping!
- Wake-up Call
- Come Out and Play
- That All You Got?
- What Gave You The Right?-!
- Feeling's Mutual
- Piece o' Cake
- Who's Laughing Now?!
- Blasted Turbo Revvin’ Young Punk!
- House Call
- Blow Things Up!
- No Way, Jose!
- Wear a Mask!
- Say Goodnight!
- Run Mega, Run!
- Hot Pursuit
- Ain't No Thief!
- Missile Spam!
- Lovers' Quarell
- Aww Man!
- Judgement Daze
- Hard Pass
- Pathetic Fool! There's No Escape!
- Not Again!
- Wow. Just Wow.
- Season Four End: Exhonerated
- The Queens of Chaos
- Too Darn Quiet
- Are You Kidding Me?!
- Red Alert!
- Let's Talk
- Push it to the Limit
- Nothing's Ever Easy
- Breaking Point
- I Got This
- Berserker!
- Lost and Found
- Later... Much Later
- Back to Normal...?
- Welcome Home
- Dead Baroness
- Bring It!
- Facelifts for Days
- It... Can't.... Be...
- Shut Your Mouth!
- That's New...!
- Back to the Motor League
- WhoCan it Be Now?
- Get Over Yourself!
- The Return of the Queenz of Chaos
- Piece of Cake
- Season 5 end: It's Time!
- Family Meeting...?
- Dorky Differences
- Chillax, Bro
- Let's take this outside!
- Here we Go!
- Holy Cow!
- Lunar Lunacy
- The Pantheon
- Bloodguilt
- The Lunar Trials
- Snap out of it!
- Brutalikhan, Brutalize!
- Mega Maiden, Omnibus 1(seasons 1+2) kickstarter!
- Thrash Metal Throwdown!
- You'll Pay For That!
- Piece of junk
- Oh, Great!
- Save your breath
- Trials End
- Dump Truck
- Dig Deep
- Season Six finale: Light our darkest hour!
- No Place Like Home
- This is Terrible
- Girl on a mission!
- You Okay?
- Welcome to Justice Comix
- Seeing Things
- The NEW Leader
- Perfect Timing
- Just another Wednesday
- Sooo Good!
- The Real Deal
- Night Call
- RIP Losers!
- Runaway Ninjas
- Killing my Vibe
- Get it Right
- Unexpected Guests
- Hyper-Alert
- Burnt BBQ
- Eyes Up!
- Free Face Lifts!
- Get Rekt!
- Hey, Two can play!
- Shifty Ninjas
- Bring the Pain
- Desperation, The Mighty Motivator
- Pushed to the limit!
- The Bridge
- E X P L O D E !
- and that's that!/season 7 finale!
- The Girls are Back in Town! (Now in full color!)
- It's Go Time!
- What's Going On!
- Just Dropping By
- Total Chaos!
- Leg Day
- Double Vision
- Copy Pasta!
- Let's Dance!
- Don't care!
- We are Hypers
- Rude Much?
- That's cheating!
- clock-out time
- A Perfect day
- Good Morning
- So Hi-tech!
- Bringing the Business
- Nailed it!
- CrisisAverted