the prince of the black sun and his pet - ch18

the prince of the black sun and his pet
the prince of the black sun and his pet

Frequency: IDK

Update Schedule: IDK


A prince cladded in deepest darkest in a kingdom of the demons of the darkness of the black sun, the prince bored of his throne goes into the forest of light where he finds a demi human of platnum white hair with skin as white as snow and with eyes of a deep blue and emerald green. The prince charmed by the demi human's beauty offers him a place in his palace as his personal pet.

25 Chapters

  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet
  • the prince of the black sun and his pet


  • Kadira


    2023-10-15 0:0

    Are they going to do it outside

    • ×_×: wat can we say 🙈

  • +~MRS kiwi wolf~+

    +~MRS kiwi wolf~+

    2023-12-24 21:33

    Yeah there doing it outside

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