Lock You Up
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
The encounter is not accidental between the ordinary high school student Lu Qingyu, and the elegant assistant Cheng Jing. The grievances of previous generation make their life can not be peaceful. He tried hard to let the "star" fall, but to be captivated by the "star". He trusted him without knowing anything, but he didn't know it was a trap set for him...
116 Chapters
Tia Gordon
2023-08-19 6:37
that booty plup
Cleavio Cleav: I remember the song:' he got a wham,gyat damn😂
Yura Aishi: oh my gyatt😩😩
Imene Imanos
2023-08-19 1:58
Dude wtf just leave them alone
Visitor 74332: he is worried about him because he knows th ml is out for revenge 😟
Loraine Taguibulosan: I his uncle isn't up to something bad planing
Visitor 18499
2023-09-10 16:51
yeah call him daddy not Mr. ChEnG
2024-05-20 17:45
I love extra theater! Keep making em!
Visitor 01605
2023-10-03 4:51
2023-10-13 17:20
I think he just want to protect him
Kaylia Royes
2024-03-24 16:3
be my daddy
2024-05-20 17:42
He is not his dad. He is his da- plz nevermind
2024-05-20 17:45
If I shouted like this in a vmsg I'll delete immediately
2024-07-23 16:5
I'm confused is he trying to make the boy suffer more pain or what 🤨🤨