Three Months to Live
Frequency: 1 up/week
Update Schedule: Tues.
The cat I fed in the street was from Hell and is able to tell when everyone will kick the bucket? And it said that I only have three months left to live? The story follows Guan Yu's 3-month journey to the end of his life.
72 Chapters
2024-02-10 19:22
2024-02-14 15:11
Oooo I am curious about what happened to granny
Tiwa Manege
2024-03-02 17:44
my parents told me that if someone tells you to go and see the light it's means you're going to die very soon if you go in. 😬😬😬
I'm obsessed with bl
2024-07-31 9:47
Don't go it could be a trap