Elaine's Secret
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Elaine, disguising herself as an ugly girl to avoid troubles, took in a pair of twins at an especially dark night. Nonetheless, the twins' handsome dad caught up to her for his babies soon later and he started to doubt her intention, inquire into her past, and eye her with thorough contempt… finally triggering off hatred successfully.
74 Chapters
S11y 6Ull of St1RS
2018-11-04 13:10
you're the boss of the house but she's the boss of your heart XD
Masked_girl;): yes agreed
Masked_girl;): congrats sis ur first 😉
2018-11-04 13:14
I bet she will wear it. and I want to see her in it 😁
Serenity _: Yea I hope she will
Mohini💕: she already wore it in one of the episodes when there was a party
I want followers :(
2018-11-04 13:11
Happy daylight savings day! The only day where I get to sleep in an hour and my parents won't disown me...
Maja: What is Daylight savings day?
Kenai Beighley: The only way I got to sleep in was because my dog had babies in the middle of the night so I was tired and they let me s...
Random Username
2018-11-04 13:11
I have nothing to say...sorry for wasting your time
Crystal_animefan 101: lol it's ok
Visitor 47531
2018-11-04 13:15
I want kill him :(
Hana Arashi
2018-11-04 13:11
I dont know to whom Im gonna cooperate
Hana Arashi
2018-11-04 13:11
Damnn they sure harshhh
S11y 6Ull of St1RS
2018-11-04 13:13
you have special feelings for her becoz you loves her ...
2019-07-22 2:45
"Never stopped you"? My ass, you locked her in a detention cell, you freaking psychopath!
Crystat Cat
2018-11-04 13:16
Aww disgusting?? but you will look good in it! I know it! 👼