The Turtle That Flew
Frequency: 2 ups/month(Monday - Tuesday)
Update Schedule: Fri.
After the death of his father, a boy travels to his mother's home country. While there he's subject to many life changing situations, entering a whole new world of Street Fighting. Here he will ultimately decide if he is a free flying bird, or a Turtle stuck on the ground.
31 Chapters
Sugar Z Blossom
2020-06-05 10:30
not sure if this guy us brave or stupid but one thing I know for sure that he is kind hearted and heroic
Dominic J. Dewfall: I personally wrote him to be a mix of both.
2020-06-04 15:20
hmm nice art I must commend
J o J o P o S e ◠‿◕
2020-06-05 22:54
The turtle that had wings XD but don't let my favorite character Right now get hurt ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
2020-06-04 14:38
Idk what to comment so yeah
Zest Bloodfallen
2020-06-07 17:58
yup he Finna get hurt
Visitor 35597
2020-06-10 17:24
I read a book when I was age 10 about a rabbit and turtle 🐢 that rabbit think he can easily win the race but he lay under the tree and fall in sleep about thinking the victory and self confidence that nobody fastest then he self even I fall in sleep Also turtle can not win . Turtle is sole running also self confidence and didn’t give up so easily he is brave and sharp he walk slowly but at the end turtle winner . I remember this the story . What a amazing ending hope the turtle that flew story most the inspiration can’t wait read more love it 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.