Starts from Baby
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Surprisingly, my crush asks me to live together and raise his nephew?! And with that comes the difficult life of parenting. But the adorable and naughty baby has turned our relationship into...
115 Chapters
2021-09-12 17:59
the baby is cute but the laptop!!!😭😭
I𝕕a 💙 B𝕋S 🖤: I thought the same thing...I kinda feel bad about feeling bad about the laptop before thinking about Yul...😅😅
dino boy: F**** the laptop😫 is my cutie hurt?😢
2021-09-13 4:34
Baby is so cute aaaaaaaa he got hurt 😭😭😭😭
Erol Cortezano: ohhhhhhh that's why you hated babies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ava: Forget the baby the laptop the laptop 😱😱😨
introvert in da hous
2021-09-12 16:44
i hope hé dosent get mad
love iruma😗: yes😨
love iruma😗
2021-09-13 8:38😦
Visitor 37680
2021-09-13 11:36
Can you really blame him tho? Babies spells disaster.
2021-09-25 1:47
I hate babies too. you're not alone.
Visitor 43702: same.
Visitor 62167: same
2021-09-17 14:36
C'mon starting charging gems this early not fair 😭😭😭😭😩😭😩
Roro No A_s
2022-01-18 6:2
don't daydream around babies dude
Visitor 65840
2022-02-09 12:2
the loptop....
Elizabeth the Monster
2022-12-31 4:25
This is so cute how could he hate babies there so cute