Two Coffins
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
A woman arrives at the Earl's Castle, and a subtle relationship between the Earl, the Earl's wife and the female guest unfolds. The Earl's wife is jealous of the female guest, while the gravely ill Earl believes in eternal life just like the Egyptian pharaohs. So he collects many ancient relics. However, the Earl actually prepares two coffins instead of one for himself...
58 Chapters
Pearl Sea
2018-11-16 13:3
This story is complicated... I live psychological thrillers! 😍
Wherelovestories: Same
Aroe Glana: with dark-romance too
2018-11-16 13:3
waaaa!!!?? i want more!!!!! 😬 back to waiting game it is.... 😭😅
Wherelovestories: Cliffhanger
2018-11-16 13:4
alice....are you planning on leaving? looks like rosalie made her really think about hwr love for.the earl... 🤔
Wherelovestories: Just leave Alice...
Flower Power: I hope she does
d ace
2018-11-16 13:21
i want the new guy and Rosalie to fall in love together,i want the new guy to treat her well.
scarlet_red: Me too the new guy is so much sweeter unlike the other guy who is in love with another women while being married to anot...
Sakura Wakashima: Agreed! She deserves happiness
yumi -.-
2018-11-16 13:2
why is she not with them?
cassafrass .___.: She's afraid of the Earl 😨
(Aye captain!)😁
2018-11-16 13:15, that’s It really, wow, I STAYED UP UNTIL 3:30 AND THATS IT!! (Get up flip table!) WOOOOWW (put table back up flip it again)!!!!!
Silvery Phoenix
2018-11-16 13:2
Visitor 25432: liza
Visitor 25432: jaden
haveagreatday ☺
2018-11-16 13:11
have a good day
2018-11-17 1:30
She dont love him 😢😭
Visitor 99085
2018-11-16 13:1
why is shr staring at the window???