Elaine's Secret
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
Elaine, disguising herself as an ugly girl to avoid troubles, took in a pair of twins at an especially dark night. Nonetheless, the twins' handsome dad caught up to her for his babies soon later and he started to doubt her intention, inquire into her past, and eye her with thorough contempt… finally triggering off hatred successfully.
74 Chapters
cant we best
2018-11-11 13:10
she has a maid's life now but I bet she will try to escape again
Serenity Darkness :3: Are u replacing “can I get a UwU “ bc THANK YOU
Lindsay Beauliere: I miss UwU 🥺🙄
4ever an¡Me giR12
2018-11-11 13:11
well even a maid needs to have her own freedom 😅
BŤŚ V & čőmïç łøvəř: 😂😂😂😂lol but everyone needs freedom 😅
crazy shipper😍😍😍: 😂😂😂
b00p b33p
2018-11-11 13:11
wheb you said sure but never did what they asked you to do
b00p b33p: when *
Kuro Midori: happens everytime
QUEENS heart.
2018-11-11 13:11
last pannel is me after a long tired day😥😥
Marie Thomas: same
2018-11-11 13:11
lol.. she works only for him and his sons...
Tyler Currey: But she was kidnapped and forced to do so, so it doesn't matter that its "only" the father and sons
Tanya Verma: ok am I the only one trying so hard to read your username??
cant we best
2018-11-11 13:11
wow a bad report does her salary decrease or something
2018-11-11 13:12
***I'm alive in every fibres..Im yours now I want him to listen to her dialogue
Yonahak: lol..
Taylor Girls: rt
2018-11-11 13:11
Rashmi Kisku: I can't stop myself from thinking about natsu whenever I saw your profile picture.......maybe it is bcoz I love fairytal...
Kawaiiiiiiiii: yeah! ^^
Spicy Comics
2018-11-11 13:11
Longxlu an'ran 😏👅
2018-11-11 13:11
yay first