Oh My Ghost
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Loi is tight on budget, so he was forced to live on a very cheap "haunted apartment house", where he will meet Maya, the ghost that will haunt him.
176 Chapters
- Ch. 1
- Ch. 2
- Ch. 3
- Ch. 4
- Ch. 5
- Ch. 6
- Ch. 7
- Ch. 8
- Ch. 9
- Ch. 10
- Ch. 11
- Ch. 12
- Ch. 13
- Ch. 14
- Ch. 15
- Ch. 16
- Ch. 17
- Ch. 18
- Ch. 19
- Ch. 20
- Ch. 21
- Ch. 22
- Ch. 23
- Ch. 24
- Ch. 25
- Ch. 26
- Ch. 27
- Ch. 28
- Ch. 29
- Ch. 30
- Ch. 31
- Ch. 32
- Ch. 33
- Ch. 34
- Ch. 35
- Ch. 36
- Ch. 37
- Ch. 38
- Ch. 39
- Ch. 40
- Ch. 41
- Ch. 42
- Ch. 43
- Ch. 44
- Ch. 45
- Ch. 46
- Ch. 47
- Ch. 48
- Ch. 49
- Ch. 50
- Ch. 51
- Ch. 52
- Ch. 53
- Ch. 54
- Ch. 55
- Ch. Taste Bitter
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Apartment's Rumor
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Darling?!?!
- Ch.SEASON 2~! Enter Bridget
- Ch.SEASON 2~! Cinema
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Kurogae Gang
- Ch. Maya's Haunt
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Bridget's Confession
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Do us a Favor Maya
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Maya and Halloween
- Ch. SEASON 2~! How Maya Scare People
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Too Dark Maya
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Bleh
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Loi is Weird
- Ch. SEASON 2~! New Students
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Canteen
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Foreveralone boys and who's this guy~?
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Play Ball
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Play Ball 2
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Play Ball 3
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Home Work
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Nena's Back Story
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Nena's Counter Attack
- Ch. SEASON 2~! You Need This!
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Cold Set up
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Cold Set up 2
- Ch. SEASON 2~! ASk Browser
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Ghost?!?!
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Ghost and Rumors
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Aisa
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Aisa 2
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Aisa 3
- Ch. SEASON 2~! Aisa End
- Ch. SEASON 3~! What?! Date?!
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Maya and Roy
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Maya and Mr. Bear
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Watching Gumiho
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Secret Valentine?
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Kenta's Confession
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Maya and Valentines Day 1
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Maya and Valentines Day 2
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Maya and Valentines Day 3
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Sleep Alone
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Couch or Bed?
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Bedroom Talk
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Akward Walk and Talk
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Maya and Loi Acting Weird
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Little Kitten's Curiosity
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Little Kitten's Curiosity 2
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Little Kitten's Curiosity 3
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Loi and Aileen
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Aileen and Protection Charm
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Forever Alone Boys
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Roy and Steelball Run
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Maya and Loi are Dating
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Loi will Decide where to eat, she said
- Happy Halloween~!
- Ch.SEASON 3~! Loi meets Bel
- Ch.SEASON 3~! Ultimate pose Extended Version
- Ch.SEASON 3~! Roy's Sand Castle
- Ch.SEASON 3~! Sunburn
- Ch.SEASON 3~! Maya's jealousy
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Loyalty
- Ch.SEASON 3~! Shinto Priest
- Ch. SEASON 3~! Shinto Priest or Not
- Ch.SEASON 3~! Maya's Perspective
- SEASON 3~! Aileen's Day
- SEASON 3~! Nena's Action
- SEASON 3~! Another Nena's Action
- SEASON 3~! Yet Another Nena's Action
- SEASON 3~! Maya and Loi meets the Scammer
- SEASON 3~! Maya's Memory?
- SEASON 3~! Memory and Struggle
- SEASON 3~! Kitsune Mask
- SEASON 3~! Kitsune Mask 2
- SEASON 3~! Kitsune Mask 3
- SEASON 3~! Kitsune Mask 4
- SEASON 3~! Kitsune Mask 5
- SEASON 3~! Come Closer Loi
- SEASON 3~! Trash is not Feeling Well
- SEASON 3~! Maya's Errand
- SEASON 3~! Every Night?
- SEASON 3~! Good Bye Loi
- SEASON 4~! Have you seen Maya~?
- Ch.SEASON 4~! Day without Maya~
- SEASON 4~! Loi needs Hug
- SEASON 4~! New Loi
- SEASON 4~! Loi's Ex Advice
- SEASON 4~! Zerg~
- SEASON 4~! Re United
- SEASON 4~! Take Care Of Her Zerg
- SEASON 4~! Do You Still Love HIm~?
- SEASON 4~! Maya is Back
- SEASON 4~! Zerg Rare Candy
- SEASON 4~! Bel and Chris
- SEASON 4~! Bridget and Roy Time
- SEASON 4~! Date Date~!
- SEASON 4~! Date Date 2~!
- Forever Alone Boys is not Alone
- Leader of Forever Alone Boys
- Drunk
- Bweh
- Maya's Bandana?
- Where's My Bandana?
- Ghost bandana!
- Bel Knows?
- Loi's Desperate to Know
- Maya's Change?
- Nena Fall
- Nena's Fall 2
- Love Hotel
- Love Hote is a Lie!
- Dirty Thoughts?
- Maya's Dream
- Ice Cream Flavor
- Urban Legend Hanako?
- Urban Legend Hanako 2
- Urban Legend Hanako 3
- Urban Legend Hanako 4
- Roita
- New Member
2019-06-15 22:48
Little miss maya is going to hunt someone wow scary😂😂
Erza_Loves_Cake: hahahahhahaha
J0KER: help get the Vacuum cleaner
2019-06-15 22:45
Maya is cute😊
Lucy demon: agreed
Serenity Shumway: she is
Visitor 95187
2019-06-15 23:3
jajaja she so cute
J0KER: are you German?
MaGiCaL PeRS0N(‘◉⌓◉’
2019-06-16 1:29
aren't you jealous Mia because Loi has his crush here?~😏
IcyIcyPrincess💙: she doesn't realize that he has a crush yet
J0KER: she will haunt the Other Girl away. }:‑) (・∀・)
2019-06-16 0:47
Roses are red Violets are blue Don't continue hunting, So that you're safe with us too...😅
Clover Savage
2019-06-16 0:6
Go maya if u can haunt them without getting scared
2019-06-16 1:8
awww.. shes haunting😃😊😊👻👻
Winter Snowflake💙❄
2019-06-16 3:7
Smol bean gurns scary😱😱😱
Love Angel $❤
2019-06-16 6:1
today is Father's Day and also my birthday... can anyone wish me 😯😯......
ghostmayachan: Happy Birthday to you~
Katie.: happy birthday love! hope u have a good day! ❣️❣️
Jamyria music lover
2019-06-17 21:18
it's like being hunted by a cupcake 😂😂😂
Visitor68089: I know right