Seven Colored Moons
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Nadie were asked by her mother to investigate the recent rumors surrounding the sevens sons of Purnama family ever since their mother passed away. Due to her gratitude to Aunt Hifza, mother of the seven sons and Nadie's mom's long time best friend, she decides to help. Nevertheless, these seven sons are actually much more sparkly than she imagined, and appear to be alright after being left by their mother. Or are they, really?
29 Chapters
2020-04-07 22:18
take care
who is this?: okay.....
2020-04-08 3:3
finally updated
2020-04-08 1:30
Ummm I think the other twin is falling in love!!! 😍❣️
2020-04-07 23:37
when she noticed the mood😂😂
Nikii Oh
2020-04-08 6:47
Long time no see 😪 missed those SEVEN COLORED MOONS of Purnamas and Nadie 💕
Visitor 04433
2020-04-08 8:27
It's been such a long time. I hope uploads won't long like this.
surprised pikachu
2020-04-08 13:34
I ship them ^^
Lucio Lala Adelaida
2020-04-13 20:37
see more ok wow
Eleanor Thomas
2020-07-02 22:41
Ri fell for Sasa 🤭