The Deathless
Frequency: Completed
Update Schedule: IDK
An ordinary girl as she is, she possesses the eyes of death which can make her see the death rate of others. Even if she's troubled, she has no access to death! Hearing her calling, the god of death comes for her. However, it’s useless? What will happen between a girl who desires death and the god of death who cannot kill the girl? What’s the secret of the girl's super power...
96 Chapters
2020-09-23 9:33
Hot Grim Reaper..too much jealousy is not good ... I like both guys what about you ?? and I think there is past story too through which Fl and that cute boy is connected
YuKiSu AyaJu: I donnow sometimes I get irritated by the FL don't know why
izumi uchiha: actually li injured not grim reaper fault. because li tug GR so thats the result. li shouldn't touch GR or he'll get hur...
2020-09-24 13:28
He's getting jealous 😆😆😆
Comic reader: jealous hot boii
▪{Čûddłěs}▪: ☺☺☺
2020-09-24 14:5
hmm..jealousy is very dangerous
AnijenEskiii: Yeah i agree HAHHAHA
ezerialblue: yeah he's possibly jealous a little but he's keeping them away cuz he cares about 2nd mls safety otherwise he wouldn't s...
Della cat🌺😺
2020-09-24 17:37
jealous ml are scary 🤯
ezerialblue: yeah he's possibly jealous a little but he's keeping them away cuz he cares about 2nd mls safety otherwise he wouldn't s...
2020-09-25 7:18
Does it always have to be a love triangle where all the characters are perfect? arghhhhh!
Jessica hollinster
2020-09-25 12:8
Wow he is a lot older then the second ml😅😅😅
ezerialblue: yeah lol 2nd ml : you sounded arrogant when you called me little boy are you a lot older than me. ml: (zhouye changyu...
2020-10-20 6:12
Em...Ik like hes hot, but can we even ship a 5000 year old with our girl? SCREW IT THE SHIP IS STILL GOING.
Della cat🌺😺: her origin is still unknown bruh
ezerialblue: idk but human lifes age standards cant always be compared with other species cuz according to species that die early eve...
Diti...Love myself
2020-09-26 10:16
Hmm at last A Grim Reaper getting jealous 😜
lil. Pony
2020-09-24 16:56
Hot Grim Reaper dont be jealous.... Fl is in danger....
2020-09-25 6:13
He is extremely getting jealous...