The Advanced Soul
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Jiang Chengfeng, an atheistic teenager, acquired a magical power by accident. With this power, he could easily deal with the most horrifying conundrums in the world. This time, his mission is to rescue a missing boy from an abandoned mental hospital! How he would fight through his way and confront the evil spirits? Don't mess with him, or he'll be pissed and give you a good punch!
281 Chapters
Kindness the Sword
2021-05-06 22:19
I love the expired food one
Traxion: love the comic so far especially can tell the amount of hard work and detail put into it yet its still got plenty of len...
Caesar Briones
2021-05-06 4:1
1st Comment 1st who visit this manga 1st in this chapter i guess?
Gottamarrythesensei: shut up with that 1st, 1st , 1st. Just read , don't be proud of it ? I saw a lot of comment about this 🙄
Erick Bates
2021-05-07 7:4
Talk about superhuman. How is he still alive and calm.
2021-05-10 9:19
Bruh.. mosquito bite. Instant noodles diarrhea 😑😑plz kill me 🥵
Thea Rith
2021-05-09 11:5
please don't make this unlock by gem
Akimitsu Okami {†}
2021-06-12 12:15
Oh My, although i red i shall not falter that is my motto but for i failed reading this withen 3 seconds it for though i must do it it took me 1 minutes and 34 second withen my clock time for how i am so ashamed of myself to read all of this with such a long time i shall say good bye and read this forever for hope for waifus to come i shall me waiting~ Amen