The Story of Hua Yan - Ch. 19

The Story of Hua Yan
The Story of Hua Yan

Frequency: 1 up/week

Update Schedule: Tues.


Who'd have thought the Crown Prince would be determined to marry the first miss of the Hua Family, a woman of "easy virtue" and bad reputation? Once the news got out, it broke the hearts of countless ladies in the capital. What?! This bad woman refuses to become the Princess Consort… Ran away with a man for a jar of good liquor? Miss Hua: I'm just a vulgar girl with some street smart. I'm no match for you! The Crown Prince: I will see to it that of all the people in the world, you are left with me but no one to choose from.

120 Chapters

  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan
  • The Story of Hua Yan


  • Visitor67090


    2021-08-12 3:22

    Ahh wonder who she will choose. I kinda like the cold prince, at least he respects her and doesn't try to force her

    • Rachael Reyes: having someone who respects you and doesn't Force themselves upon you is one of the greatest things in this world. we ha...

    • visitor-san: The cold prince--do you mean the white hairs guy with liquor??? Because honestly same. Her fiance is pretty awful right...

  • Unicorn🦄&🍭Lollipop


    2021-08-12 5:14

    I agree Lu Zhiling and FL will definitely have the time of their lives with each other’s company buuuut i prefer them as friends or even bestfriends. Not lovers or hubby-wifey 😑😑

    • Rachael Reyes: yep I can see that happening if she actually has a choice in the matter maybe she can actually find happiness damn the s...

  • Heike


    2021-09-10 8:26

    He plays with crickets? That’s so hot and attractive.

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