Shy X Extrovert
Frequency: IDK
Update Schedule: IDK
Nathaniel spends three quarters of his time alone, introverted and shy since his childhood, he has never known how to open up to others, used to being a loner and doing everything to avoid attracting
29 Chapters
Visitor 96244
2023-10-25 6:24
Your doing amazing keep up the good work!
Kasuni Sewwandika
2024-02-09 13:56
Next ..it' amazing 💙
Visitor 26811
2024-08-23 17:16
lost love, its sweeter when its finally found, he got the strangest feelin, this isnt the first time around....
Visitor 96244
2023-10-25 6:23
First oh my gosh. Secondly can’t wait for the next chapter.😊
2024-02-02 19:44
May i ask when is the next chapter gonna come ?? Im really enjoying it !